CompliFast's professionally documented report not only assures you as to how your business is tracking, it is also the type of reporting that ASIC expects you to perform on your business regularly.
When you have completed your quarterly questionnaire, that has different questions each quarter, a comprehensive 25 page report is generated in CompliFast.
The CompliFast report has two parts.
The first section is an executive summary of your compliance testing which highlights which areas are satisfactory, need improvement or unsatisfactory. It also includes a summary of recommendations required for the Licensee to action, in order to be in full compliance with all of the general conduct obligations. So at a quick glance, you know what you need to action.
Below is a sample CompliFast report for a mortgage broking business. With CompliFast you can have access to all your completed compliance reports by just a click of your mouse. That way, if ASIC audit your business you won't need to spend hours preparing. Simply login into CompliFast and your detailed compliance reports will be there.